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Hello and welcome to the 2024 BarthHaas HopUpdates!
Hop Acreage Germany
Variety | Total acreage 2024 in ha | Difference to 2023 in ha |
Herkules | 7.917 | + 419 |
Polaris | 588 | + 27 |
Titan | 322 | + 228 |
Perle | 2.861 | – 375 |
Hallertauer Tradition | 2.461 | -241 |
Germany in total | 20.289 | – 340 |
Source: Verband Deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V.
The net acreage in Germany decreased by 340 ha (-1,6 %) to a total of 20,289 ha.
The acreage of high alpha varieties continues to increase, with the varieties Herkules increasing by 419 ha (+6 %), Titan by 322 ha (+344 %) and Polaris by 27 ha (+5%). In contrast, the aroma varieties are being further reduced. The largest absolute decline was recorded by the Perle variety with -375 ha (-12 %), followed by Hallertau Tradition with -241 ha (-9 %). The flavour varieties are also continuing to decline: Amarillo, Hallertau Blanc and Mandarina Bavaria are all losing double-digit hectares. The varieties Magnum (-150 ha), Hallertau Mittelfrüher (-14 ha), Taurus (-31 ha), Hersbrucker Spät (-10 ha), Northern Brewer (-17 ha), Spalter Select (-29 ha) and Saphir (-38 ha) are also being cut back, as they are not well adapted to the changed climate, resulting in insufficient yields per hectare.
Aroma hops are primarily being replaced by high alpha varieties, but also by newer varieties that are better adapted to climate change, such as Tango (+26 ha).
As in previous years, the number of active farms continues to decline and now stands at 1,009 (-31). In contrast to previous years, not all land that becomes available is leased to neighbouring farms and is therefore no longer in production.
Weather conditions and Plant Development Germany
Temperatures from October to March were consistently above the 10-year average. Precipitation from October to April was 40 % above the long-term average.
Despite the changeable weather from March to April, the spring work was completed on schedule. Warm temperatures of up to 25°C led to a strong surge in hop development. The first farms began training in mid-April, around two weeks earlier than usual. After the warm period, training was characterised by very low temperatures with rain and snowfall. This slowed down the hops’ huge developmental advance somewhat.

At the end of May/beginning of June, the weather changed and dry, warm weather led to favourable development conditions. As a result, the hop stocks in the Hallertau are still one week ahead. At the end of May, there were heavy rainfall events in the Hallertau and in Tettnang, with severe flooding in some areas. However, there was no major damage to the hop gardens.
The hop plants are currently at BBCH stage 41, i.e. the hop plants have now reached trellis height.
Favoured by the warm and humid weather, susceptible varieties such as Polaris, Herkules and Hersbrucker Spät are increasingly infested with Downy Mildew and in some stands also with powdery mildew. However, the pest infestation is still low.

Other European growing areas
Further official acreage figures are available so far from the Czech Republic and Slovenia.
Hop Acreage Czech Republic
In the Czech growing regions, the area under cultivation was reduced by a further 21 ha (-0.4 %) to a total of 4,852 ha. Saazer, the world’s largest fine flavour variety, which was extremely affected by heat and drought last year, was reduced by 76 ha (-1.9 %). The more climate-stable variety Sladek (+42 ha, +11 %) continues to increase in area and is a sustainable variety for the growing region.
Variety | Total acreage 2024 in ha | Difference to 2023 in ha |
Saaz | 3.987 | – 76 |
Sladek | 450 | + 42 |
Czech Republic in total | 4.852 | – 21 |
Source: ÚKZÚZ – Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture

Plant Development Czech Republic
The development status of most varieties is in line with the long-term average. In the Czech hop-growing regions of Saaz and Auscha, there was frequent precipitation in the spring months. As everywhere in Europe, the earth flea occurs, and in some fields there is also an infestation with the red spider mite. The infestation with Downy Mildew continues to increase due to the cool, humid weather.
Hop Acreage Slovenia
Variety | Total acreage 2024 in ha | Difference to 2023 in ha |
Aurora | 720 | – 45 |
Celeia | 497 | + 30 |
Slovenia in total | 1.641 | – 35 |
Source: IHPS – Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing

In Slovenia, the area under cultivation decreased by 35 ha (-2 %) to a total of 1,641 ha. The largest variety, Aurora (-45 ha, -6 %), in particular, was cut back, while 30 ha (+5 %) of the Celeia variety were added to the area under cultivation.
Plant development Slovenia
The months from January to March were around 3°C warmer than average. At 200 mm, the total precipitation from January to April was around 30 % above the long-term average. May was sufficiently rainy with 150 mm. Plant development is uneven and is up to seven days behind the long-term average. Primary infection of downy mildew is largely controlled, the secondary infection is present but below the control threshold.
Plant development USA (PNW)
Variety | Total acreage 2024 in ha | Difference to 2023 in ha |
Aroma | 12.258 | – 3.461 |
High alpha | 5.768 | – 495 |
USA in total | 18.026 | – 3.956 |
Source: United States Department of Agriculture
Due to the oversupply of aroma hops, the USA recorded a further sharp decline in the aroma varieties Citra, Mosaic and Cascade. High alpha varieties were also reduced by a total of 495 ha. In total, hop acreage in the USA decreased by 3,956 ha to 18,026 ha (-18%).
Total acreage worldwide fell by 4,600 ha to approx. 56,050 ha (-8%).
Source: BarthHaas
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