PHA® Topnotes

PHA® Topnotes give your beer a typical dry-hopped aroma of selected varieties – perfect for brewing products with a clear hoppy character.

These 100 % soluble, pure varietal hop oils without bitterness are a natural way of replicating the aroma of hop varieties such as Cascade, Perle and Mt Hood. PHA® Topnotes are easy and efficient to dose, and suitable for light-stable products. As an alternative to pellets, their also minimize your beer loss.



PHA® Topnotes give your beer a typical dry-hopped aroma of selected varieties – perfect for brewing products with a clear hoppy character.

These 100 % soluble, pure varietal hop oils without bitterness are a natural way of replicating the aroma of hop varieties such as Cascade, Perle and Mt Hood. PHA® Topnotes are easy and efficient to dose, and suitable for light-stable products. As an alternative to pellets, their also minimize your beer loss.

The authentic dry-hopped character for your beer.


Extracted and distilled from hop cones.

Supplied in 1 l and 5 l aluminum containers.

Application: Add to filtered beers.

Shelf life: 2 years (when stored properly).

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