Ahtanum is a cultivar named after the district in which it is grown, near Yakima. It has an appealing aroma with exceptionally floral notes. It is used for its aromatic properties and moderate bittering.

  • The spirit of aloha on your taste buds – the exotic taste of Hawaiiα-acid content: 8.8 - 10.0%Oil content: 1.5 - 2.0 ml/100 g

    Amarillo is variety characterized by mid to high alpha. It is used for its aromatic qualities, as well as its bittering properties due to its low cohumulone content.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Amber is the lowest coloured of the roasted malts and imparts a toasty, biscuity maltiness to bitter, ales, milds, porters and stouts, good for depth of flavour without too much intensity. It has no diastatic power and should only be used up to 15% of the grist.

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Aurora (Super Styrian) has an intense and pleasant hoppy aroma. Aurora has a very good storage stability. Beer prepared with this variety has good organoleptical scores. The yield of a-acids is very good when brewing with this variety. Aurora is very suitable for extraction and for combination with other varieties in the brewing process.(from the website)

    Azacca™, formerly known as #483, was released by the American Dwarf Hop Association 2014. Azacca™ is the Haitian Iwa, or spirit, of agriculture and farming.

  • Available in Ale and Extra Pale

    Whole or Crushed

    Our Best Ale and Extra Pale Malts are produced using a 100% blend of one winter variety. This allows us to produce homogenous malt in every single batch and provide you with a more consistent brew.

    Our Best Ale and Extra Pale Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Smoother than roasted barley giving full roasted flavour along with a slightly tart acridity, in small amounts this malt will give a reddish hue without becoming too intense. Use at higher levels for robust to give an edge to robust porters.

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    The next stage up from Amber Malt is our Brown Malt. The colour is produced in the same manner as Amber, but is roasted for that bit longer to give a nutty roast dryness with a light brown hue, perfect for brown ales and milds.

    Remember that when assessing roasted malts, it is the resultant colour and flavour of the wort and beer that is important rather than the colour of the outer barley husk of the malt in your hand.

    Different varieties of barley may give roasted malts with differing husk colour, but will produce wort with the expected colour and flavour when mashed.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    A slightly higher coloured malt than the regular Cara, Cara Gold will add depth to a beer and bring sweetness and golden/amber colour, good for lower ABV, paler beers.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Very useful for imparting body and a slight malty sweetness to blonde beers due to its low colour and longer chain, dextrin sugars.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Cascade was developed in the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Oregon and released as a U.S. aroma variety in 1972. It is characterized by a dark green elongated cone which contains low amounts of alpha acids. The aroma is of medium strength and very distinct. The variety has good cone production and is agronomically strong with good crown resistance to downy mildew. The definitive hop for American Pale Ales, IPA's and Black Ales/Black IPA (also known as Cascadian Ale due to the use of this variety). Widespread use in British Bitters, ESB's, Pale Ales and very effective in fruity Blonde ales and Barley Wines too.

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