Ahtanum is a cultivar named after the district in which it is grown, near Yakima. It has an appealing aroma with exceptionally floral notes. It is used for its aromatic properties and moderate bittering.

  • The spirit of aloha on your taste buds – the exotic taste of Hawaiiα-acid content: 8.8 - 10.0%Oil content: 1.5 - 2.0 ml/100 g

    Amarillo is variety characterized by mid to high alpha. It is used for its aromatic qualities, as well as its bittering properties due to its low cohumulone content.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Amber is the lowest coloured of the roasted malts and imparts a toasty, biscuity maltiness to bitter, ales, milds, porters and stouts, good for depth of flavour without too much intensity. It has no diastatic power and should only be used up to 15% of the grist.

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Aurora (Super Styrian) has an intense and pleasant hoppy aroma. Aurora has a very good storage stability. Beer prepared with this variety has good organoleptical scores. The yield of a-acids is very good when brewing with this variety. Aurora is very suitable for extraction and for combination with other varieties in the brewing process.(from the website)

    Azacca™, formerly known as #483, was released by the American Dwarf Hop Association 2014. Azacca™ is the Haitian Iwa, or spirit, of agriculture and farming.

  • Available in Ale and Extra Pale

    Whole or Crushed

    Our Best Ale and Extra Pale Malts are produced using a 100% blend of one winter variety. This allows us to produce homogenous malt in every single batch and provide you with a more consistent brew.

    Our Best Ale and Extra Pale Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Smoother than roasted barley giving full roasted flavour along with a slightly tart acridity, in small amounts this malt will give a reddish hue without becoming too intense. Use at higher levels for robust to give an edge to robust porters.

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    The next stage up from Amber Malt is our Brown Malt. The colour is produced in the same manner as Amber, but is roasted for that bit longer to give a nutty roast dryness with a light brown hue, perfect for brown ales and milds.

    Remember that when assessing roasted malts, it is the resultant colour and flavour of the wort and beer that is important rather than the colour of the outer barley husk of the malt in your hand.

    Different varieties of barley may give roasted malts with differing husk colour, but will produce wort with the expected colour and flavour when mashed.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    A slightly higher coloured malt than the regular Cara, Cara Gold will add depth to a beer and bring sweetness and golden/amber colour, good for lower ABV, paler beers.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Very useful for imparting body and a slight malty sweetness to blonde beers due to its low colour and longer chain, dextrin sugars.

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Cascade was developed in the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Oregon and released as a U.S. aroma variety in 1972. It is characterized by a dark green elongated cone which contains low amounts of alpha acids. The aroma is of medium strength and very distinct. The variety has good cone production and is agronomically strong with good crown resistance to downy mildew. The definitive hop for American Pale Ales, IPA's and Black Ales/Black IPA (also known as Cascadian Ale due to the use of this variety). Widespread use in British Bitters, ESB's, Pale Ales and very effective in fruity Blonde ales and Barley Wines too.

    Cascade was developed in the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Oregon and released as a U.S. aroma variety in 1972. It is characterized by a dark green elongated cone which contains low amounts of alpha acids. The aroma is of medium strength and very distinct. The variety has good cone production and is agronomically strong with good crown resistance to downy mildew. The definitive hop for American Pale Ales, IPA's and Black Ales/Black IPA (also known as Cascadian Ale due to the use of this variety). Widespread use in British Bitters, ESB's, Pale Ales and very effective in fruity Blonde ales and Barley Wines too.


    Centennial is an aroma cultivar, bred in 1974 and released in 1990. It was named after the Washington State centennial in 1989. It is sometimes called Super-Cascade. Centennial works well in Pale Ales and India Pale Ales, where some base bitterness is required along with aromatic topnotes.


    Chelan is a high alpha acids variety with a very high percentage of beta acids. The variety was developed through the John I. Haas, Inc., breeding program and released in 1994. It is a daughter of Galena and therefore has analytical data similar to Galena. Cone yields and percentages of alpha acids are higher than for Galena, maturity is medium and storage is excellent as it is in Galena.


    Chinook was developed by the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Washington State and released in 1985 as a high alpha acids variety. This cultivar takes its name from a Native American tribe indigenous to the region around Washington. The female parent is one of the English Goldings. The variety grows vigorously in all growing areas and yields best in the Yakima area. Alpha acids content is high while beta acids content is low compared to other high alpha acids varieties. Aroma strength is medium and storage stability is fair.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    More intense in colour and flavour with distinct roasted coffee aroma and flavour along with bittersweet dark chocolate undertones. Perfect for adding depth to brown ales and bitters and a must in strong milds, stouts and porters.

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Citra is a special aroma hop variety released by the Hop Breeding Company, having unique and highly favored flavour characteristics. As the name suggest its flavour descriptors include the citrus fruits lime and grapefruit, other fruity characters described as gooseberry, passion fruit, lychee as well as numerous other tropical fruits. Citra® brand HBC 394 cv. hop variety originated from a cross between Hallertauer Mittelfrüher and a father derived from U.S. Tettnang. It was released in 2008.
  • Available in Ale and Extra Pale

    Whole or Crushed

    Exclusive to Crisp, Clear Choice Malt is crafted from barley varieties that will enhance malty flavours and improve haze stability; providing the perfect base malt to craft beer exploding with flavour.

    Our Clear Choice Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    The most intensely flavoured and coloured of our crystal malts, we move into a different arena on aroma with roasted/sweet coffee appearing and a slight burnt caramel note, good for full flavoured dark brown and ruby ales, stouts and porters

    Our Cara and Crystal Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Amagical thing happens when amino acids and reducing sugars combine at critical temperatures; the Maillard reaction. Starting with higher protein spring barley we germinate to higher levels of modification then adjust early kilning conditions to utilise the malt enzymes to hydrolyse protein and convert starch in sugars.

    Finally, a long drying phase with a higher temperature results in the Maillard reaction taking place to produce pronounced rich malt, freshly baked bread crust and the characteristic Munich bite at the back of the palate.

    *Up to 100% (lower DP and extract than Light Munich so at 100% less speciality malt can be added).

    Our Roasted Malt can be delivered in 25kg bags.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Dextrin malt is germinated in the process to create longer chain sugars that survive the mashing process to give higher attenuation limits and thus fuller tasting beers. It can provide extra body and improve the head retention of your brew.

    Our Dextrin Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • When the earth and the sun align, a new variety of hops is born. A cool little story on how Equinox™ HBC 366 earned its name. During early Spring, Equinox™ comes out of the ground as a bright lime green variety. Over the course of the summer, it gradually turns to a rich, dark green. Equal light, equal dark - Equinox™. From the breeders of Citra® YCR 394 cv, Mosaic™ HBC 369 cv comes the latest varietal release – Equinox™ HBC 366. These hops are generally some of the most sought-after in the industry. The diversified and pronounced aroma characteristics combined with extremely high oil content and a tight cone structure make this hop variety very unique.
  • Ella is a new aroma variety which contributes hoppy and floral notes, with subtle hints of anise and a satisfying fullness of palate. Stella is reminiscent of, yet distinctly different in character to noble European varieties, and provides a contrast to the citrus and tropical fruit characters of many modern hops.Ella grows vigorously, producing moderately large, dense cones which mature mid- to late-season, with a broad harvest window helping to ensure excellent physical and chemical quality in the final product. With an alpha acid content of ~15%, Ella is an aroma hop with options. This newly developed aroma hop deserves experimentation – the hoppy characters and texture on the palate would provide a new twist to a pilsner or lager, while the floral characters could provide a highlight in a wide range of beer styles. Offers the ideal alternative aroma range to Hallertauer hops.
  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Our traditional European-style malt is an excellent choice for all pilsner type brews.

    Our Europils Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Soft, caramel, sweet fruit aroma to create fantasy flavors that are exceptionally drinkableα-acid content: 4.5 - 6.5%Oil content: 1.0 - 1.5 ml/100 g
  • Available in Ale and Extra Pale.

    Whole or Crushed

    Introduced in 1965, Maris Otter® barley is one of the oldest varieties still used to produce high quality malt for breweries around the world. It is particularly popular amongst our craft brewing customers due to its ease of use and marketability is the perfect base malt to create those traditional real ales.

    Our Finest Maris Otter® Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Imagine you no longer needed dosage equipment for bittering and could reduce your transportation and storage costs at the same time? Flex™ is a bitterness extract that has low viscosity at room temperature. It can increase flexibility in the brewing process and improve efficiency in the mash house.The high alpha acid concentration contains no solid matter. Additions to the wort and whirlpool can be reduced significantly and the nitrate load is also considerable less.
  • The Australien hop variety Galaxy is a high alpha dual purpose seedless cultivar with a marked and unique hop aroma. Bred by Hop Products Australia and currently grown in Victoria and Tasmania. Galaxy, when added late in the boil has been found to impart a unique and pleasant flavour to beer. The striking flavour has been described as a combination of citrus and passionfruit, whilst still contributing significant bittering. A wide range of aromatics, dependent on point and rate of use, as well as malt and yeast influences.
  • High alpha variety from Huell which mostly produces good yields. Like all Huell varieties Hallertauer Magnum can be characterized by its high tolerance to diseases. Its extremely big and heavy cones are another characteristic.
  • Tradition is a variety bred at Huell which is characterized by its fine aroma and average bitter content. It can be compared to Hallertauer Mittelfrueh and stands out due to good yields which remain stable also in difficult years. This variety has a good tolerance to wilt and downy midew. The variety was released in 1993 in Germany.
  • A robust, high-yielding, high bittering hop cultivar tolerant to various diseases has been released in 2006 by the Hop Research Center Hüll. Excellent brewing quality combined with very good storage stability increases the value of Herkules for the brewing industry. Use in Pilsners, German style Lagers & Alt.
  • Do your customers enjoy a natural, refreshing beer flavor with modest bitter notes? Hexahop Gold® produces a pleasant, mild acerbity and a consistent head of foam. This aqueous solution of pure hexahydro-iso-α-acid is a foam enhancer. In addition, its light-stabilizing effect allows the beer to be bottled in green and clear glass.
  • New variety with distinctive honeydew melon and strawberry aroma. The variety was bred at Hüll and was released 2012. This variety is one of the varieties which have been bred and planted in hop fields in response to demand from the craft beer industry and its desire for bold tastes and differentiating flavors.
  • Simple to dose without the need for special equipment, reduced storage and transportation costs, low nitrate load: the Incognito™ aroma extract which is flowable at room temperature ensures maximum hop flavor with minimum process loss thanks to its highly concentrated flavor components.Thanks to its low viscosity, this pure hop varietal product is perfect for late-hopping in modern whirlpool equipment with low solid matter capacity. The beer loss is significantly lower compared with using pellets for late hopping.
  • Are you looking to achieve a precise bitterness in your beer? And would you prefer to do that at the end of the brewing process, to optimize efficiency? IsoHop® is the answer you have been looking for.An aqueous solution of pure iso-α-acids, standardized to 30%, IsoHop® is easy to add in precise doses and designed to be used during the filtration process with an exceptional yield. IsoHop® is produced from CO2 hop extract (no aroma, just bitterness) and has an antimicrobial effect when added to the beer. It is the perfect product when it comes to correcting and also partially replacing bitterness.

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