• Available Whole or Crushed

    Vienna Malt is made on a conventional malt kiln and is cured at moderately higher temperatures than pale malt. Its origins lie in Vienna or amber lagers, but Vienna Malt will give golden hues to other beers and will develop body and mouthfeel. It retains sufficient enzyme activity to be used as base malt in all-malt grists.

    Our Vienna Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

  • Available Whole or Crushed

    Wheat malt is used to enhance body and head retention; it brings a subtle smoothness to beers when used up to 15%. Beyond this percentage, it will start to create hazy Weissen/ Wit type beers.

    Our Wheat Malt can be delivered in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg bags or in bulk loads.

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